Welcome to your Verify.Dog account where our new Scan & Go assistance animal verification technology takes the hassle out of taking your pet anywhere including hotels, stores, restaurants, school dorms, rental properties, public transportation and airplanes.
Please choose one of the following:
We can register your dog as a service animal right now if you or anyone else has trained your dog to perform at least one task related to your disorder or disability. The law does not require professional training - you can do it yourself.
To immediately upgrade your ESA to a service dog right now your dog must be trained by either yourself and anyone else to perform at least one task related to your disorder or disability. The law does not require professional training - you can do it yourself.
Congratulations! To begin immediately using your Scan & Go verification system for your service dog you must confirm your dog has been trained by either yourself and anyone else to perform at least one task related to your disorder or disability. The law does not require professional training - you can do it yourself.
Congratulations! Your Scan & Go account is active Emotional Support Animal and is accessible to verify your ESA credentials 24 x 7.
Full Name
Date Of Birth
Mobile Phone
New York
Zip Code
956 754
Street 110-B Kalians Bag, Dewan, M.P. New York
Task trained to perform
Certification Letter(s)